Genealogy Charts and Forms at - The ultimate collection of links to genealogy resources, including a lot of places that provide family tree charts and templates.

Family Tree Fan Chart (PDF) - An interesting variation on a typical family tree formatted in the shape of a fan and covering five generations.More Free Family Tree Charts, Templates, and Software Related Content Free Rabbit Pedigree Forms For example: Houston, Harris County, Texas, USA List locations or places as City/Township, County, State, Country.List dates as to avoid confusion over formats such as dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.Consider CAPITALIZING the surname – this will help it stand out when reviewing your records.Be patient – it can take a long time to uncover your genealogy.Many of these are available on line for free or a nominal fee. Focus on primary sources such as copies of birth, census, death and marriage records.Be careful as some of the family trees on line are not accurate.