Try temporarily disabling your User Account Control (UAC), firewall, and antivirus applications.For example, a key for the Boson ExSim-Max for Cisco 200-301 CCNA practice exam will not activate a 350-401 practice exam, because keys are created for different products. Therefore, you will only be able to use that key to activate one product. Activation keys are version- and product-specific. You can copy and paste your activation key from the purchase receipt you received or by logging in to your account on the Boson website and selecting the Purchase History tab. Verify that you have entered the activation key correctly and that you are using the correct key for the correct product.Verify that you have entered your user name and password correctly.Please submit a support ticket, and provide as much information as you can so that we can assist you quickly. If you experience a problem while activating an exam, you can try to resolve it by applying the following solutions.

CCIE Enterprise Wireless – 350-401 ENCOR.CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure – 350-401 ENCOR.